Coach Ledy Balances Home Life and Court Life


Balancing work-life with home-life can be tricky at times, but it’s worth it in the end. Head Coach of the NEC Women’s Basketball team Erica Ledy agrees. Eight years ago she adopted her daughter Rowin, whose name was decided after votes were cast by her mother and two sisters.

Before adopting her daughter, Ledy had already been coaching the game of basketball for twenty years.

“The assistant trainer’s niece was having a baby and was not going to keep it.  I met her and her family and she decided I should get the baby girl when she was born,” says Ledy.  “So, being as naive as I was, I thought that was all there was to it.  Not quite!  I had to do a lot of stuff in a short two week timeframe to become eligible to adopt.  Thankfully, it all got done and I was able to be there to cut the cord and take Rowin home 9 days later.”

Adding the needs of another person to Ledy’s daily schedule hasn’t been easy.  “Balance, is there supposed to be balance. I am truly lucky to have a well behaved daughter, a great extended family both at home and work and my basketball players are wonderful with Rowin.”

Ledy added that being around her team so often, Rowin has had the opportunity to meet people from all different types of backgrounds and parts of the country. While Ledy’s adoption experience wasn’t that of the norm, she still recommends the process.  “Well, I think my experience with adoption is very different than most.  However, I would recommend it and would always welcome another.”

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Hannah is a Graduate Student, and Graduate Assistant in Athletics here at NEC, working towards her Masters in Sport & Recreation Management. She is a member of NEC's class of 2020 where she earned a BA in Communications, as well as Sport & Recreation Management. She was a member of the women's basketball team, the Sports Editor & Co-Editor-in-Chief of the NewEnglander, a Peer Leader, Student Ambassador, and President of the Class of 2020 during her undergrad. Her hopes are to land a job in the sports industry, either in front office management or as a journalist, after receiving her Masters.
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