“Pretty Woman: I am enough” Personal Experience


On Tuesday March 28th, the Office of Diversity and Inclusion hosted an event called “Pretty Woman: I am enough” in honor of Women’s history month. During the month of March the office of Diversity and Inclusion puts on a series of events representing and celebrating women’s history. This event in particular focused on women coming together giving out tips on makeup, hair, nails and just another way to get to together and appreciate each other’s talents.

There were multiple stations set up around the room: a station for makeup, nails, braiding, and other hair stations.

When I first walked into the Simon Boardroom, the event felt small and intimate. I was helping out at the makeup station along with my friend D’nysha Cook, showing other women on campus which makeup products I’m currently using, how to apply makeup the correct way, and good quality products they should invest in.

After everyone settled down and as more people started to show up, it almost felt as if I was in a beauty salon back home, waiting for my aunt to be done with her hair.

Speaking to the women who came up to my station, although we never met before, I was able to have conversations with ease. Being that we all have passion for beauty and want to learn more, the conversations were easy to form and the subject matter transcended makeup. We then started to learn more about each other and share each other’s personal backgrounds.

You can see how much talent was in one room. From hair to makeup, everyone was learning a hidden talent about each other.

As the event continued, Lai Monte-Hunter, head of Diversity and Inclusion, explained that this event was for people to showcase their skills. If there was any reason that someone needed their hair or makeup done for a special occasion, they’d know who to ask. Students often complain about how there’s nothing to do on campus, and this event allowed students to get out of their rooms socialize with others.

It was expected that the event would be small because there wasn’t a lot of promotion for it, but I think that’s what made it even better. It made it easier to talk to people and also gave you time to go to the other stations without a long wait to get your hair or nails done.

When it comes to beauty, women are always felt as if they need to look a certain way to please others. But you could see the passion that people had when it came to hair, makeup and nails. As women, we started to learn more about beauty for the fun of it, to have it as a hobby, and to spread our knowledge on it. Some people may not be as skilled as others in this certain area, but we were able to show that everyone has to start from somewhere.

Overall, I believe the event was successful and executed well. The office of Diversity and Inclusion continues to bring NEC together as a community.

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Hi! My name is Kristin Walker and I am the Arts and Entertainment Editor for The New Englander. I am from Long Island, New York and I’m a Senior here at New England College, studying Communications with a focus of Public Relations. I have been writing for The New Englander for over a year. This is my first (and last) year as editor and I look forward to a great year!
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