Damon Collins


Looking back, four years ago I always knew I was going to graduate, but I never expected to go through the experiences I’ve been through. Being a student at NEC was very interesting; I learned so many things that I will keep with me forever. When I first stepped into this school my freshman year I was horrible at time management, I procrastinated and my grades showed it sometimes. I now know in the adult world I will not be able to keep a job if I am late getting work done.

I’m grateful for the professors at NEC for actually caring about me to critique my work, especially Professor Homestead who was very hard on me, but he would always compliment me and say I have great content but my grammar needed work. I typed my papers like I talk, so you could understand what I was saying, but reading it was a little bit of an issue. Small things such as past and present tense, I would get confused on, too. I would get my essays back and see the comments, and get mad and assume he had something against me. Then I matured and realized if he didn’t critique my work, when it’s time for me step out to chase my dream my writing will hold me back from doing certain things.

Professor Homestead and Professor Mansor will always be the two teachers I will never forget. I also like the way there is so much help here and resources you can use to better yourself. If I was at a big university I wouldn’t be able to get the help I received here.

The friends who I met at NEC and I am still friends with, I love you all. We’ve been through an emotional roller coaster. From the nights of drinking and having fun being around each other to the arguments and stubbornness, I’m going to miss it all. The real friends I have met here showed me love. I appreciate every one of you, in tough times we were there for each other. The support was real and the support will continue as we go down our different paths of success.

I wish you all could see how emotional I am writing this reflection. College is meant for experiences and also to help start off your career. College is not meant for everybody, but I’m glad I went. I learned so many life lessons here. Patience, perseverance, courage and dedication, I learned them from being here. For my last words of being a student I want to say I’m grateful to NEC for letting me spend four of the most important years of my life here. Go Pilgrims!

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