NEC soccer partners with Fear 2 Freedom


This past weekend, the men’s and women’s soccer teams netted a combined total of four wins to cap off a successful weekend, and their success carried with them off the field when the two teams partnered with the organization Fear 2 Freedom.

According to a press release sent by Renee Hellert, this non-profit provides support and relief for those who have suffered any type of abuse. Through their celebration events they partnered with hospitals and other organizations with higher education institutions to collect items for F2F kits and spread awareness.

When victims of sexual assault, child abuse, domestic violence, or survivors of sex trafficking seek a hospital for treatment, everything on them becomes a piece of evidence. This only adds to their feelings of distress.

The F2F kits created by donations include: appropriately sized t-shirt, sweatpants, and underwear, toiletries, a pen with a journal for adults and a toy for a child, a plush bear that comes with a comforting story, a “You Matter 2” card, and a personal handwritten note by a volunteer, according to Fear2Freedom website.

Education and awareness of these issues are important during this day and age, with high profile cases such as Stanford swimmer Brock Turner, former Baltimore Raven Ray Rice and Minnesota Viking Adrian Peterson, to name a few.


One in six women and one in 33 men in America will become a victim of sexual assault, and one in five women have been sexually assaulted during their time in college, according to the press release. Fear 2 Freedom believes that college students can help make a difference in these statistics by embracing their mottos, “Be the Change” and “Restore Joy.”


Women’s soccer sophomore, Devon Claverie-Murphy, said, “Hosting a Fear 2 Freedom drive was originally a goal for the women’s soccer Team. Once we found out that we – both men’s and women’s teams – needed to host a promotional event, we decided to join forces in efforts to gain more support from the community.”


She added that hosting this event allowed both teams to be involved with the community as well as help those who have survived sexual assault.


Head Coach of the women’s team, Paul Vazquez, also added, “The event was a success, we collected items that will be sent to the organization as support. We hope to continue the partnership with Fear 2 Freedom in the future.”


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Hannah is a Graduate Student, and Graduate Assistant in Athletics here at NEC, working towards her Masters in Sport & Recreation Management. She is a member of NEC's class of 2020 where she earned a BA in Communications, as well as Sport & Recreation Management. She was a member of the women's basketball team, the Sports Editor & Co-Editor-in-Chief of the NewEnglander, a Peer Leader, Student Ambassador, and President of the Class of 2020 during her undergrad. Her hopes are to land a job in the sports industry, either in front office management or as a journalist, after receiving her Masters.
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