NEC Wellness center holds event showing dangers of driving impaired


Story by: Kyle Dobrie and Soob Soobitsky.

New England Colleges’ Wellness Center and the New Hampshire Liquor Commission came to the Simon Center parking lot to bring awareness to the dangers of impaired driving.

The NH Liquor Commission brought a golf cart and impairment goggles to show students what is it like to be impaired and do a field sobriety test and drive.

NEC students were told to sign waivers before being able to drive the golf cart with the impairment goggles at the Simon Center parking lot. Photo provided by Kyle Dobrie, The NewEnglander.

NEC student Soob Soobtisky wearing impairment goggles about to do the field sobriety test at the Simon Center parking lot. Photo provided by Kyle Dobrie, The NewEnglander.
NEC student Soob Soobitsky wearing impairment goggles and getting ready to drive the course made by the New Hampshire Liquor Commission in the Simon Center parking lot. Photo provided by Kyle Dobrie, The NewEnglander.

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