Grown-ish: Episode 9 Review


There are 3 major components that make college live up to its name:

Sex, Drugs, and School.

While these 3 components play a role in college being the best four years of your life, they can also ruin it.

Growing up, I was never the kid who had a hard time fitting in. Knowing plenty of people that do struggle fitting in, it’s clear that in episode 9 of the series Grown-ish, Vivek is that guy.

Going into college, making friends shouldn’t be hard unless you’re an anti-social introvert. The older you get, the easier it should be to make friends especially with all the things going on in the world to talk about.

Although Zoey typically is the main character, this episode focuses mainly on Vivek. Vivek’s character is similar to any college student doing what they have to do to make it by. Unfortunately, Vivek chooses the illegal way to make ends meet, make new friends, and to feel like he’s important on campus, rather than just getting a job. Because of his reputation, everyone knows who Vivek is and where to find him. Similar to Zoey in previous episodes, Vivek is so focused on the opinion of others he doesn’t knows the dangers of drug dealing.

Although college is supposed to be the best four years of your life, there’s nothing fun about being broke. Yes, Vivek is pursuing an illegal job but as long as he keeps his business private there shouldn’t be anything wrong with what he’s doing. Unfortunately, Vivek feels unstoppable and sees this as an opportunity to be the next Tony Montana of California University.

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Alonzo is second year student looking to pursue a career in film directing. He majors in Communications. He also plays for Coach Charlie Mason on the basketball team. He is a very friendly guy with a bright smile who’s always willing to stop what he’s doing to help out the next person.
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