Democratic Presidential Candidate Marianne Williamson attended a town hall at New England College on Sunday, April 16. This marked her second visit to NEC, and it is her second run for Commander-in-Chief.
“I was here not too long ago, speaking for the previous campaign in 2020,” Williamson said.
Williamson answered many questions and shared her positions about abortion, student loans, healthcare, gun safety laws, water and food contamination, and the environment.
She also spoke about the education system in the United States.
“The common good is served when more people have the opportunity to thrive,” Williamson said after prioritizing the need for cancelled student loans and free public college.
Williamson said she has concerns about the unequal distribution of power and money.
“We need fundamental economic reform,” she said.
Gabe Reynolds, a freshman at New England College, said he felt like she was good at identifying problems but did not think she proposed any solutions.

“I spoke with her after about how the American economy could speed up without abuse of the third world and well, she did seem sympathetic to the problem it kind of felt like she didn’t have a solution. I liked her better than the other candidates I have seen, and especially more than Biden,” Reynolds said.
Williamson said she considers her run for office a job interview and feels she can make a difference if elected.
“The status quo will not disrupt itself,” said Williamson.
The next speaker attending NEC’s First in the Nation Town Hall Series is Francis Suarez. The event is open to the public and begins at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, April 18, in the Simon Center Great Room.
Click here to watch The NewEnglander’s one-on-one interview.